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What Is Tech Neck?

If you are constantly using your phone or computer for work, chances are you struggle with pain or stiffness in your neck. This phenomenon is so common that it even has its own name! Tech neck (or text neck) is a name for chronic pain caused by continuously straining the neck muscles while using electronic devices like phones, tablets, and computers. Over time, this strain creates many issues that may interfere with your daily life.

Effects of Tech Neck

Muscle Imbalance: Tech neck lengthens the neck muscles and shortens chest muscles, resulting in a hunched posture that puts extra pressure on the neck and slumps the shoulders.
Nerve Compression: Strain can pinch nerves. A pinched nerve can cause neck pain, lower back pain, and numbness or tingling in the hands.
Rotator Cuff Issues: Forward-slumping shoulders can irritate rotator cuff tendons, causing inflammation and shoulder pain.
Cervical Kyphosis: It can alter the natural C-shaped curvature of the neck.

How to Prevent Tech Neck

Maintain Eye Level: Hold your phone at eye level to avoid bending your neck downward. When using a computer, position the monitor so you look straight at it. You may need to use a monitor stand or stack books to raise your screen to the right level.
Monitor Distance: Keep your computer screen about 20-30 inches away from your eyes (about an arm’s length).
Take Breaks: Stand up and move around frequently to relieve neck strain.
Stretch: Check out this YouTube video for some stretches you can do to relieve that tech neck pain!